Joint Housing Authority

To help meet the community's affordable housing needs, Teton County and the cities of Driggs, Tetonia, and Victor adopted the Teton County, Idaho Affordable Housing Strategic Plan in2019.
This City of Victor adopted the following resolutions to join this effort:
City of Victor Joint Housing Authority Resolution R522 passed February 2019.
City of Victor Joint Housing Authority Appointment of Commissioners Resolution R527 passed in September 2019. The City of Victor shall have at least 1 representative on the TCJHA Board at all times.
The Teton County Joint Housing Authority has information on current community housing opportunities, a list of board members, meeting information and agendas, and local resources on the website. The Joint Housing Authority meets the first Wednesday of each month at 10:00 AM in the Driggs City Hall Council Chambers located at 60 S Main Street. All meeting and contact information is on the TCJHA website.