Public Meeting Instructions

The City of Victor is home to six distinct Boards, Commissions, and Committees, each with its own meeting schedule and guidelines. To access specific meeting details and instructions, please click on the name of the respective Board, Commission, or Committee below.
The Victor City Council is comprised of 5 city residents who meet regularly on the second and fourth Wednesday of each month at 6:00 P.M. at City Hall located at 138 N Main Street. City Council Meeting Information is available on the Friday before the meeting date.
Meetings are open to the public subject to the State Open Public Meetings Act. Each meeting shall provide time within the agenda for public input. The City Clerk shall prepare and publish the meeting agenda as meetings are scheduled.
If you need special assistance at the meeting, please contact Victor City Hall at 208-274-7082.
Please note that at any time during the meeting, the Mayor may change the order of items listed on the agenda with a motion.
Instructions for Public Attendance at Victor City Council Meetings
- Council meetings are live-streamed through Zoom
- Online Participation: Active online participation during the meeting will be limited to scheduled visitors and presenters. This will ensure efficient proceedings and maintain the focus on agenda items.
- Accommodation Requests: If you require accommodation to participate remotely during council meetings, we encourage you to contact the City Clerk in advance of the meeting. We are committed to making reasonable efforts to accommodate individuals with specific needs, ensuring equal access and inclusivity, but we are unable to provide such accommodations once the meeting begins.
- Enhanced Accessibility: Please note that Zoom offers various accessibility features, such as live captions, screen reader compatibility, and adjustable font sizes.
- The City of Victor is not responsible for technical difficulties.
- Public Comments can be submitted at any time via the online form.
Zoom Meeting Information:
Meeting ID Meeting ID890 5201 0145
Previous meeting information is available to view and search in the City's Document Archive. Find City Council Agendas , City Council Meeting Minutes , or watch recordings of previous City Council meetings on the City of Victor Vimeo channel .
Se invita al público a asistir y testificar en relación con la acción propuesta o también se pueden presentar comentarios por escrito a la Ciudad. Póngase en contacto con el ayuntamiento si desea solicitar ayudas para la comunicación, servicios u otras adaptaciones para su participación.
Al ser solicitada, ésta notificación puede ser proveída en un formato fácil de usar para personas con discapacidad y/o personas con conocimientos limitados del Inglés
Community Engagement Session Meetings are an organized gathering that provides an opportunity for members of the community to come together, share their thoughts, and collaborate on local issues, projects, or initiatives at an open meeting or open house.
These sessions are typically hosted by a city to help gather and share information on specific issues. Community engagement meetings are essential for ensuring that decisions reflect the needs and aspirations of the people they impact. Topics may include urban planning, policy changes, or new projects.
Meetings are open to the public subject to the State Open Public Meetings Act. Each meeting shall provide time within the agenda for public input. The City Clerk shall prepare and publish the meeting agenda as meetings are scheduled. Recordings of previous Community Engagement Sessions will be available on the City of Victor Vimeo channel .
These meetings are not live-streamed and do not offer online participation. Meeting Information and agenda items will be posted on the Community Engagement Sessions Page .
If you need special assistance at the meeting, please contact Victor City Hall at 208-274-7082.
Se invita al público a asistir y testificar en relación con la acción propuesta o también se pueden presentar comentarios por escrito a la Ciudad. Póngase en contacto con el ayuntamiento si desea solicitar ayudas para la comunicación, servicios u otras adaptaciones para su participación.
Al ser solicitada, ésta notificación puede ser proveída en un formato fácil de usar para personas con discapacidad y/o personas con conocimientos limitados del Inglés
The CCEAC is comprised of up to seven (7) community members.
Meetings are open to the public subject to the State Open Public Meetings Act. Each meeting shall provide time within the agenda for public input. The City Clerk shall prepare and publish the meeting agenda as meetings are scheduled.
Meetings are all scheduled on an as-needed basis. These meetings are not live-streamed and do not offer online participation. Meeting Information and agenda items will be posted on the Cultural & Community Events Advisory Committee Page . The CCEAC does not record their meetings.
If you need special assistance at the meeting, please contact Victor City Hall at 208-274-7082.
Se invita al público a asistir y testificar en relación con la acción propuesta o también se pueden presentar comentarios por escrito a la Ciudad. Póngase en contacto con el ayuntamiento si desea solicitar ayudas para la comunicación, servicios u otras adaptaciones para su participación.
Al ser solicitada, ésta notificación puede ser proveída en un formato fácil de usar para personas con discapacidad y/o personas con conocimientos limitados del Inglés
The Victor Design Review Committee is an application review authority to review development applications subject to site plan and design review which are above 5000 square feet.
Meetings are open to the public subject to the State Open Public Meetings Act. Each meeting shall provide time within the agenda for public input. The City Clerk shall prepare and publish the meeting agenda as meetings are scheduled.
Meetings are all scheduled on an as-needed basis. These meetings are not live-streamed and do not offer online participation. Meeting information and agenda items will be posted on the Design Review Committee Meeting Page . DRC does not record their meetings but will provide minutes of each meeting.
If you need special assistance at the meeting, please contact Victor City Hall at 208-274-7082.
Se invita al público a asistir y testificar en relación con la acción propuesta o también se pueden presentar comentarios por escrito a la Ciudad. Póngase en contacto con el ayuntamiento si desea solicitar ayudas para la comunicación, servicios u otras adaptaciones para su participación.
Al ser solicitada, ésta notificación puede ser proveída en un formato fácil de usar para personas con discapacidad y/o personas con conocimientos limitados del Inglés
The Planning & Zoning Commission is comprised of 5 county residents who meet regularly on the third Thursday of each month at 7:00 P.M. at City Hall located at 138 N. Main Street, Suite 201. Agendas and Meeting Links are posted on the Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Page .
Meetings are open to the public subject to the State Open Public Meetings Act. Each meeting shall provide time within the agenda for public input. The City Clerk shall prepare and publish the meeting agenda as meetings are scheduled.
Instructions for Public Attendance at Victor Planning and Zoning Commission Meetings
Ways to Participate:
- Make public comments ahead of the meeting by emailing, or through specific information/directions provided in a public hearing notice.
- Victor City Hall located at 138 N Main Street, Suite 201, Victor, ID will be open to the public during the meeting, and public comments may be made in person.
Ways to listen:
- Planning and Zoning Commission meetings will be live-streamed through zoom . Active online-participation during the meeting will be limited agenda item presenters. Public comment is not allowed via zoom.
- Previous meeting information is available to view and search in the City's Document Archive. Find Planning & Zoning Agendas , and Meeting Minutes or watch recordings of previous Planning & Zoning meetings on the City of Victor Vimeo channel .
All applications heard before the Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council shall follow the procedure outlined in the Victor City Code and Idaho Code Title 67 Chapter 65. All recommendations and decisions shall be made based on applicable law.
The public is invited to attend and testify regarding the proposed action or written comment may also be submitted to the City via email or the Public Hearing Comment Form . Please contact the City with any questions regarding the hearing or to request communication aids, services, or other accommodations to participate.
Please do not send public comment relating to specific agenda items directly to the Planning and Zoning Commissioners, as their decision must, by law, be confined to the record produced at the public hearing. Comments may be sent to City staff a week or earlier before the hearing to be considered by the commission.
City of Victor, P.O. Box 122, Victor, ID 83455
If you need special assistance at the meeting, please contact Victor City Hall at 208-274-7082.
Se invita al público a asistir y testificar en relación con la acción propuesta o también se pueden presentar comentarios por escrito a la Ciudad. Póngase en contacto con el ayuntamiento si desea solicitar ayudas para la comunicación, servicios u otras adaptaciones para su participación.
Al ser solicitada, ésta notificación puede ser proveída en un formato fácil de usar para personas con discapacidad y/o personas con conocimientos limitados del Inglés.
Urban Renewal Agency meetings are held on the first Monday of each month at 9:30 A.M. at 138 N Main Unit 201. PO Box 1050, Victor, ID 83455.
Meetings are open to the public subject to the State Open Public Meetings Act. Each meeting shall provide time within the agenda for public input. The City Clerk shall prepare and publish the meeting agenda as meetings are scheduled.
These meetings are not live-streamed and do not offer online participation. Meeting Information and agenda items will be posted on the Urban Renewal Agency Meeting Page.
The URA does not record their meeting but will provide meeting minutes.
Previous meeting information is available to view and search in the City's Document Archive . Find Victor Urban Renewal Agency Agendas , Victor Urban Renewal Agency Meeting Minutes
If you need special assistance at the meeting, please contact Victor City Hall at 208-274-7082.
Se invita al público a asistir y testificar en relación con la acción propuesta o también se pueden presentar comentarios por escrito a la Ciudad. Póngase en contacto con el ayuntamiento si desea solicitar ayudas para la comunicación, servicios u otras adaptaciones para su participación.
Al ser solicitada, ésta notificación puede ser proveída en un formato fácil de usar para personas con discapacidad y/o personas con conocimientos limitados del Inglés