Pending Applications & Projects

Sherman Park Workforce Housing Project Page
Area of Impact Agreement (AOI) - Teton County Board of County Commission to approve
Capital Improvements Plan (CIP)
City of Victor's RFPs and Bidding Opportunities
To view agendas, application materials, staff reports, and public comments, please go to the Meeting Pages and select the more link for the meeting. According to State Statute all Public Notices must be published in the local newspaper. Not all public notices will be posted on this page . If a public notice is not found here it can either be found in the Teton Valley Newspaper or it may be a meeting type that does not require public notice.
Quasi-Judicial projects are those pending Planning and Zoning, City Council, and/or Design Review Committee revisions, approval, or denial in their application process. If a pending application has been removed from this page, that is because it has since been scheduled on a meeting agenda and can be found by using the more link on the Meeting Page .
Department Contact Information
Planning and Zoning Director
Kimberly Kolner
Associate Planner
Jordan Hoehnen