Planning & Zoning Commission

Boards, Commissions & Committees
Victor Planning & Zoning Commission
The Planning and Zoning Commission meets on the third Thursday of each month at 7:00 P.M. at City Hall located at 138 N. Main Street, Suite 201. Agendas and Meeting Links are posted on the Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Page .
Please do not send public comment relating to specific agenda items directly to the Planning and Zoning Commissioners, as their decision must, by law, be confined to the record produced at the public hearing. Comments may be sent to City staff a week or earlier before the hearing to be considered by the commission.
All applications heard before the Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council shall follow the procedure outlined in the Victor City Code and Idaho Code Title 67 Chapter 65. All recommendations and decisions shall be made based on applicable law.
The public is invited to attend and testify regarding the proposed action or written comment may also be submitted to the City via email or the Public Hearing Comment Form . Please contact the City with any questions regarding the hearing or to request communication aids, services, or other accommodations to participate.
Se invita al público a asistir y testificar en relación con la acción propuesta o también se pueden presentar comentarios por escrito a la Ciudad. Póngase en contacto con el ayuntamiento si desea solicitar ayudas para la comunicación, servicios u otras adaptaciones para su participación.
Al ser solicitada, ésta notificación puede ser proveída en un formato fácil de usar para personas con discapacidad y/o personas con conocimientos limitados del Inglés.
City of Victor, P.O. Box 122, Victor, ID 83455
Department Contact Information
Planning & Zoning Director
Kimberly Kolner