Victor City Council

Boards, Commissions & Committees
As elected officials, the City of Victor's City Council Members are responsible for representing and serving their constituents' interests. They are responsible for making decisions on behalf of the city, which can include passing ordinances, approving budgets, and making appointments to various city boards and commissions. Additionally, City Council Members are expected to provide leadership and vision for the city and to work collaboratively with other city officials, staff, and community members to address the needs and concerns of the community. Ultimately, the City Council Members are accountable to the residents of Victor for their decisions and actions while in office.
The Victor City Council is comprised of 5 city residents who meet regularly on the second and fourth Wednesday of each month at 6:00 P.M. at City Hall located at 138 N Main Street. City Council Meeting Information is available on the Friday before the meeting date. If you have any questions, concerns, or great ideas to share with the City Council, please get in touch with them using the info below.