Urban Renewal Agency Meetings

Boards, Commissions & Committees

City Council
Zoom Meeting Link

Regular Meeting

Victor Urban Renewal Agency Board of Commissioners

Monday, February 3, 2025

9:30 AM

Victor City Hall 138 N. Main Street, Suite 201 and Zoom Information

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Meeting ID: 898 0825 9855

Passcode: 989376


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I.                     OPENING – Ian Everard, Chair

1)      Roll Call/Confirmation of Quorum/Call Meeting to Order

2)      Certification of Posting

3)      Conflict of Interest Declaration per Idaho Code §74-404


II.                   CONSENT CALENDAR (All items on the Consent Calendar are considered routine and are enacted by one motion approving the recommended action listed on the agenda. Any Commissioner or the Executive Director may request that an item be removed from the Consent Calendar for discussion. All items removed shall be considered immediately following action on the remaining items.)

1)      Approval of Monthly Meeting Minutes

(a)    January 6, 2025, Regular Meeting of the VURA Board of Commissioners

2)      Review and Approval of Monthly Disbursements

(a)    January

3)      Review and Approval of Monthly Financials

(a)   December


III.                 NEW BUSINESS (Pursuant to Idaho Code Section 74-204(4), all new business agenda items are considered action items, and a vote may be taken on these items.)

1)      Discussion, consideration, and possible action to approve Resolution 25-01 of the Board of Commissioners of the Urban Renewal Agency of the City of Victor acknowledging and accepting the corrected boundary map of the North Urban Renewal Project Area and Revenue Allocation Area and legal description of the North Urban Renewal Project Area and Revenue Allocation Area; authorizing and directing the Chair, Vice-chair, or Executive Director of the Agency to make certain technical changes as necessary; authorizing and directing the Chair, Vice-chair, and Executive Director of the Agency to take appropriate action; providing for this Resolution to be effective upon its passage and approval; and providing an effective date.

Recommendation: Approve Resolution 25-01

IV.                WORK SESSION

1)      Landscape Beautification Program Design Templates


V.                  REPORTS/UPDATES

1)      Executive Director Report

(a)   RAI Week Three Legislative Update

2)      Commissioner Update

(a)   Individual Commissioners may ask questions of the Executive Director, request items be placed on a future agenda, or make general comments or announcements.


VI.                ADJOURN MEETING



·         South Urban Renewal Area Feasibility Study (March)

·         Urban Renewal Agency Annual Report (March)

·         Development Impact Fee Annual Report (April)


CERTIFICATION OF POSTING I, Troy Butzlaff, Executive Director of the Victor Urban Renewal Agency, hereby certify that the Agenda for the February 3, 2025, meeting of the Victor Urban Renewal Agency was posted on January 30, 2025.