Fee Schedule


City Administrator
Budgets, Audits & Studies

Fee Schedule

The City of Victor Fee Schedule is approved by public hearing and adopted by City Council. The following information is the most recent fee schedule, effective October 1, 2024.

Impact Fees were adopted in April 2023. Please reference the Development Impact Fee Ordinance for more information.

Land Use Fees

Planning and Zoning

Agricultural Buildings


Building Permit Fees- Based on the valuation of the project

$1 to $500


$501 to $2,000

$23.50 for the 1st $500 plus 3.05 for each additional $100, or fraction thereof, to and including $2,001

$2,001 to $25,000

$69.25 for the 1st $2,000 plus $14 for each additional $1,000, or fraction thereof, to and including $25,001

$25,001 to $50,000

$391.75 for the 1st $25,000 plus $10.10 for each additional $1,000, or fraction thereof, to and including $50,001

Building Permit

$50,001 to $100,000

$643.75 for the 1st $50,000 plus $7 for each additional $1,000, or fraction thereof, to and including $100,001

$100,001 to $500,000

$993.75 for the 1st $100,000 plus $5.60 for each additional $1,000, or fraction thereof, to and including $500,000

$500,001 to $1,000,000

$3,233.75 for the 1st $500,000 plus $4.75 for each additional $1000, or fraction thereof, to and including $100,000

$1,000,001 and up

$5,608.75 for the 1st $1,000,000 plus $3.65 for each additional $1000, or fraction thereof

Building Permits for Commercial

Commercial Permit Fees  Based on Commercial Values per Square Foot  see (ICC Building Valuation Data)

Building Permit Extension

.3 (30%) x original permit fee

Other Land Use Fees

Change of Use (to a Residential Occupancy)


Change of Use (to a Commercial/Industrial Occupancy)


Change of Use (to U Occupancy)


Excavation Permit for Building

$1,000 bond (refundable upon completion), $200 fee 

Fences over 6 feet high


Mechanical Permit (Commercial)

$120/ unit

Mechanical Permit (Residential)

$90/ unit

Moving/Demolition Permit

$900 bond (refundable upon completion), $120 fee 

Re-inspection due to incomplete work

$60/hour (1 hr min)

Additional Inspections/reviews beyond permit cost

$50/hour (1 hr min)

Re-Roofing Permit


Sign building permit (if required)


Type 1 Setting (Full Concrete or Block Foundation)


Type 2 Setting (Pier Foundation with Skirting)


Type 3 Setting (Detached Accessory Structures)


Idaho Construction Multiplier

97% Valuation

Pre-Application Conference Retainer


Staff Consultation

Free to Applicant







Floodplain Development Permit (R526)

Minor Projects: $300.00 Major Projects: $510.00

Floodplain Development Inspections (R526)


Lot Line Adjustment


Lot Split


Ordinance Amendment for Land Use


Plat Amendment (Insignificant)


Plat Amendment (Significant)


Plat Amendment (Significant)

Significant Changes/Vacations (Major)- Subdivision Prelim & Final Fee

Condo Plat


Short Plat


Sign Permit


Administrative Site Plan/Design Review 

Included in Building permit

Site Plan/Design Review Major (Requires Public Meeting) 


Solar Airspace Review Public Meeting

Cost of Contractor +10%

Conditional Use Permit


Subdivision Plat

Concept 10% - Preliminary Plat 60% - Final Plat 30%

Under 5 lots


6 to 20 lots


Over 20 lots


Survey Review (New Subdivision)


Survey Review (Survey, Lot Split, Boundary Line Adjustment)




Zoning Amendment Zone Change


Zone Verification written letter


ROW/Easement Vacation


Public Works Fees

Public Works Services & Utility Fees

Backhoe per hour


Dump Truck per hour


Encroachment Permit


Excavation Permit (Utility Companies)


Grader per hour


Hydro per hour


Irrigation Yearly Rate (standard)


Irrigation Yearly Rate (Golf Vista)


Irrigation Yearly Rate (Trail Creek Parks)


Loader per hour


Mower absentee owner overgrowth per hour

$35 + Costs

Re-inspection due to incomplete work


Sewer Connection 1 within city limits


Sewer Connection 2 outside city limits


Sewer Lines Servicing per hour


Sprayer with Tractor Contractor

Cost +20%

Street Excavations

$900 bond (refundable upon completion), $100 fee 

Sweeper per hour


Vacuum per hour

Cost +20%

Water Service Connection 1 within City limits


Water Service Connection 2 outside City limits


Water turn on/shut off per call

$35.00 // $120 after hours

Water Restoration Fee from inactive account


Water Service Lines

$50 + materials

Water Service Lines after hours

$120 + materials

Utility Bill Late Payment


Bulk Water Usage

$25.00 plus $3.00 per 1000 gallons

Meter Tampering


Business Licensing/Misc.

Alcohol Catering Permit


Athletic Field Reservation Fee (EFFECTIVE SEPTEMBER 1, 2023)

$25.00/game + $5.00/hour

Business License New


Business License Renewal


Copying over 100 pages

$.15 per page

Park Reservation ≤ 2 hours


Park Reservation 2-6 hours per day

$25.00 + $10.00/hour ($55.00 max)

Park Reservation Over 6 hours per day


Records Research over 2 hours

Cost of lowest paid staff or contractor who is necessary and qualified to process request

Special Events Permit per event


Temporary Business License per day (14 days)


Temporary Business License Long Term

$1000.00 Annually

Wire Transfer Fee

$20.00 per wire

Bounced Check Fee

$25.00 per check

Credit Card Fee (non-utility payments)

3% of total transaction

Late Payment fee (Effective May 1, 2025)


Civil Fines

General Penalty

$100.00 1st, $200.00 2nd, $300.00 each additional violation

Misdemeanor Jail time up to 6 months

Up to $1000

Infraction No jail time

Up to $1000

Criminal Jail time up to 6 months

Up to $1000

Civil No jail time payable at City Hall

Up to $1000

Failure to get a business license


Failure to get peddler's license

Up to $1000

Failure to pay Municipal Non-Property Tax Misdemeanor

Up to $1000

Sexually Oriented Business Failure to Permit Misdemeanor

Up to $1000

Disturbing the Peace

Up to $1000

Air Brake Violation


Open Container Infraction

Up to $1000

Residential Property Nuisances

Up to $1000

Failure to Obtain Permits

25% of cost of permit

Public Indecency- Nudity

Up to $1000

Dog at Large -Civil

$50 1st, $100 2nd, $150 3rd & 4th

Dogs in City Park


Animal Control- Non-Licensing Civil Fine

$50 1st, $100 2nd, $150 3rd & 4th

Animal Control: Failure to Restrain/Nuisance Civil

$50 1st, $100 2nd, $150 3rd & 4th misd

Animal Control: impound 1st offense payable to shelter


Animal Control: impound 2nd offense payable to shelter


Animal Control: impound 3rd offense and over payable to shelter


Impact Fees: Parks and Recreation Fee

Residential (per housing unit by square feet)

Under 500 sq ft


500 to 999 sq ft


1,000 to 1,499 sq ft


1,500-1,999 sq ft


2,000-2,499 sq ft


2,500-2,999 sq ft


3,000-3,499 sq ft


3,500-3,999 sq ft


3,500-3,999 sq ft


4,500-4,999 sq ft


5,000-5,499 sq ft


5,500-5,999 sq ft


6,000 or more sq ft


Non-Residential (per 1,000 square feet) for Retail, Office, Industrial, Institutional, Lodging

Lodging (Per Room)


Impact Fees: Transportation Pathways

Residential (per housing unit by square feet)

Under 500 sq ft


500 to 999 sq ft


1,000 to 1,499 sq ft


1,500-1,999 sq ft


2,000-2,499 sq ft


2,500-2,999 sq ft


3,000-3,499 sq ft


3,500-3,999 sq ft


4,000-4,499 sq ft


4,500-4,999 sq ft


5,000-5,499 sq ft


5,500-5,999 sq ft


6,000 or more sq ft


Non-Residential (per 1,000 square feet) for Retail, Office, Industrial, Institutional, Lodging

Lodging (per room)


Impact Fees: Transportation Roadways

Residential (per housing unit by square feet)

Under 500 sq ft


500 to 999 sq ft


1,000 to 1,499 sq ft


1,500-1,999 sq ft


2,000-2,499 sq ft


2,500-2,999 sq ft


3,000-3,499 sq ft


3,500-3,999 sq ft


4,000-4,499 sq ft


4,500-4,999 sq ft


5,000-5,499 sq ft


5,500-5,999 sq ft


6,000 or more sq ft


Non-Residential (per 1,000 square feet) for Retail, Office, Industrial, Institutional, Lodging









Lodging (per room)


Pass through Fees

*** These fees may be assessed if necessary on top of the city fees. These fees are fully passed through to the applicant.

Fire Impact Fees

Residential (per housing unit by square feet)

Under 500 sq ft


500 to 999 sq ft


1,000 to 1,499 sq ft


1,500-1,999 sq ft


2,000-2,499 sq ft


2,500-2,999 sq ft


3,000-3,499 sq ft


3,500-3,999 sq ft


4,500-4,999 sq ft


5,000-5,499 sq ft


5,500-5,999 sq ft


6,000 or more sq ft


Non-Residential (per 1,000 square feet) for Retail, Office, Industrial, Institutional, Lodging







Lodging (per room)


Building Permits

Construction Plan Review

Fire Sprinkler Review/Inspection


Fire Alarm Review/Inspection


Commercial Kitchen Suppression


Subdivision Plan Review

3 units - 10 units


11 or more units


Outside Review Per Hour

Engineering Review per hour


Plan Review per hour
