Victor Planning and Zoning Commission Openings

Media Release
Victor Planning and Zoning Commission Openings
Victor, Idaho, July 29, 2024 - The City of Victor is accepting applications from community members wishing to serve on the Victor Planning and Zoning Commission. The Planning and Zoning Commission has one seat open for the remaining 2 years of a three-year term expiring in September 2026. The seat is appointed by the Mayor with confirmation of the appointment by City Council. To be eligible to serve on the Planning and Zoning Commission, applicants must have resided in Teton County, Idaho for at least two years. If community members are interested in serving on either board, they are invited to submit an application, c/o Michelle Smith, City Clerk, at; PO Box 122, Victor ID 83455; or at City Hall located at 138 N. Main St. Suite 201 by Thursday, August 29, 2024. Application forms can be found online at and clicking on ‘Inside City Hall’ and then ‘Apply for Committee or Board’ .
Contact: Michelle Smith, City Clerk
(208) 787-2940