
Important residential and developer policies to keep in mind.
1. The property owner must have corner stakes marked on their property to ensure front, back, and side setback requirements are met.
2. The City of Victor needs to have the location of driveway marked on the property to ensure the driveway does not cross over water meter pits or sewer lids. There will be an extra expense for you later if you do not take it into consideration now.
3. The contractor needs to contact Dig Line before any excavation begins. No excavation or building permit will be issued unless this requirement is met. The phone number is 1-800-342-1585. The City will not locate any water or sewer lines on private property.
4. City policy states there will be no sewer, water, or meter pit excavation in City easements between October 15th and April 15th. Water meters shall not be installed during this same period unless written permission from the Public Works Department is granted with possible conditions included. If you know you will be receiving a Certificate of Occupancy between October 15th and April 15th, you need to have your water meter installed BEFORE the 15th of October.
5. The City needs 48 hours prior notice for any hook-up for water and sewer lines.
6. The City needs to inspect all water and sewer hook-ups in City easements. The State of Idaho needs to inspect all water and sewer hook-ups from City easement into and on private property.
7. There will be no excavation around city culinary or irrigation water and sewer lines after 3:00 pm,
Monday through Thursday. No excavation of any sort will be allowed on weekends due to the unavailability to purchase replacement parts on weekends.
8. When landscaping around meter pits, you need approval from the Public Works; they may be contacted through the City Offices.
9. Landscaping in the city easement and sprinkler system torn out by snowplows is the responsibility of the homeowner to replace. All large trees should be set at the property line, not in the city easement. Mailboxes shall be placed at least three feet (3’) back from the edge of pavement.
10. The City will plow into easements to remove snow. Please do not mark edge of asphalt with pipe or rebar as it is hazardous to traffic and pedestrians. You may mark edge of asphalt with a fiberglass flag. You are allowed to place snow on city easements only within 15 feet of roadways. You are not allowed to push snow across City streets and store in City easements.
11. Tampering: It shall be unlawful for any person not authorized by the city to tamper with, enter, alter, or injure any part of the city waterworks or water supply system. Any damage to City water system infrastructure (i.e., damage to valves by unauthorized use, damage to pipe by excavation, damage to meter boxes by automotive vehicles, etc.) incurring cost to the city, shall be charged to the water user or persons responsible for the damage.
12. If an irrigation system is operated using both culinary and irrigation waters, all State laws must be observed, and the irrigation system must be inspected annually for backflow by a certified State Plumbing Inspector. An inspector certified copy of the backflow inspection must be submitted to the City annually.
Unit II- Public Works Requirements and Checklists City of Victor - 2022 Section 200
Public Works Standard Specifications and Drawings
Plowing Generally:
The City’s Public Works Department is responsible for snow removal on public streets. Public Works monitors weather forecasts closely to schedule crews in advance of winter weather to ensure the highest possible level of response for safe travel during the event.
The City has established specific criteria for when and where to plow. Factors ranging from predicted storm totals, traffic conditions, and local weather patterns, such as wind, will affect the City’s decision to start snow removal operations. Typically, to mitigate conflicts between people and plow vehicles, plowing occurs between 2:00 am, and 8:00 am.
Street Plowing:
When two inches of snow accumulates by 2:00 am, the City will plow snow even when it is still snowing. The City typically ceases street plowing operations by mid-morning.
Sidewalk Plowing:
Generally, whenever one inch or more of snow accumulates on downtown sidewalks, the City will begin operations.
Maintaining a Snow Floor:
A snow floor is a smooth and compact layer of snow. Establishing and maintaining a snow floor protects City equipment and delays the costly replacement of plow blades. As long as streets are drivable for smaller cars, the City will delay plowing operations until enough early season snow accumulates to form a snow floor. Therefore, at the start of the winter season, residents should expect higher snow accumulation in the streets than is customary later in the season. Likewise, the City will avoid plowing in early spring to preserve the snow floor.
Windrows and Snowbanks:
Windrows are the banks of plowed snow that form along the sides of the road and across driveways. Where possible, the City plows in a direction and manner to minimize the size of windrows across driveways. Residents are responsible for removing windrows from their driveways.
Snow Stakes:
Residents may choose to mark the edge of their properties with snow stakes made from a flexible material such as fiberglass. Snow stakes must be at least 2 feet from the edge of the roadway. Stakes adjacent to the street are in the public right-away and will likely interfere with snow removal. Please do not use steel stakes because they can puncture the tires of snow removal equipment, causing plowing delays and costly repairs. Residents that place snow stakes in the right-of-way are liable for injuries and damages.
Seasonal Parking Restrictions
From November 15th until April 1st, on-street parking, alleyway parking, and parking in the public right-of-way are prohibited between 2:00 am and 8:00 am.
Business Areas:
From November 15th until April 1st, on-street parking, alleyway parking, and parking in the public right-of-way are prohibited between 2:00 am and 6:00 am.
Towed Vehicles:
Vehicles violating Victor’s seasonal parking restrictions may be towed at the owner’s expense. If your vehicle has been towed, please contact the City’s authorized towing service: Auto Wranglers LLC, 1978 N. 4000 W., Tetonia, ID. 83452. Phone. (208) 351-7741. Please note: Auto Wranglers is an Independent Contractor, and any vehicles towed by Auto Wranglers will be impounded at their storage facility.
For additional information, please contact the City of Victor at 208-274-7082 or submit a comment on our General Contact Form.
Department Contact Information
Public Works Director
Nate Beard
Emergency Public Works Line
After Hours
Public Works Admin Assistant
Cari Golden