
The Idaho Water Resources Board recently awarded the City a grant of $27,500 to repair and strengthen the footings on the north side of Calderwood Bridge. Calderwood Bridge is located along S 500 W and crosses over Trail Creek. A recent bridge inspection of Calderwood Bridge found that the volume and flow of water is scouring the north abutment of the bridge, exposing the footing. To repair and strengthen the bridge, the City applied for a grant through the Idaho Water Resources Board. The City was one of ten public agencies throughout Idaho to be awarded funding. The funds will be used to construct an 8-inch-thick concrete floor under the bridge to protect the footers. The concrete will have a "turndown wall" on the downstream end to protect against further erosion of the bridge's footings. The total project cost is estimated at $55,000. The Idaho Water Resource Board grant of $27,500 will be matched with $27,500 from the City. In addition, the City provided $3,500 of in-kind services related to the bridge inspection and the preparation of conceptual engineering plans. The project is estimated to take 120 days to complete once the necessary permits from the United States Army Corps of Engineers and the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality have been obtained.
This project has not started yet.