Local Artist Displays at City Hall

Please join us for a RECEPTION and OPEN HOUSE honoring:

Linda Swope

Wednesday May 29, 2024

4 PM-6 PM

Light bites & drinks available

Victor City Art Gallery (City Hall)

138 N Main Street, Unit 2

2nd Floor located above the US Bank in Victor.

Linda Swope

Linda got a camera at age ten and instantly became the family photographer. After studying photography on the side

and earning degrees in psychology and sociology from the University of Texas, she began a full-time photography career

that has spanned 45 years. In Texas Linda shot everything including celebrity portraits, rodeo and the San Antonio Spurs.

Linda discovered Jackson Hole in 1987 and moved to the Tetons, where she pioneered the destination wedding

photography business and shot thousands of portraits, weddings and action events. She came to Teton Valley eight

years ago and devotes her time to fine art photography, photojournalism and photography for nonprofits, including

Music on Main. She leads the Photography Workshop for the annual Rocky Mountain Sandhill Crane Festival. “My

proudest moments are when working with our amazing nonprofits. Pure inspiration!”

Often on assignment for Teton Valley Magazine and many times published as a nature photographer, she won’t ever put

her cameras down. “I’m so lucky to do this for a living… for a life! Every shoot is an emotional high… I love all things

nature, art, sports & intimate moments! I absorb life through the lens and carry every image in my heart.”

Look for Linda out chasing cranes or ebiking the valley with a camera in her panier bag.


Linda Swope uses fluid digital imagery to transform manmade elements and Mother Nature’s goodness into scenes of

fascination. By giving energy to what isn't really there, Swope investigates the world in her mind’s eye.

Late into a 45-year career as a professional photographer, Linda Swope started to have visions. “I imagined finished

artwork, but it wasn’t my traditional photography. These were complex composites and as vivid as they were in my

mind, I had no idea how to accomplish one!”

After a thousand hours of experimentation, Linda’s style emerged. While there is a foundation in reality, there is also

magic that morphs and shape shifts between surreal and abstract. The elements of her compositions beckon us to come

closer. We are rewarded if we linger. There is much to discover up close and at a distance.

Drawn to the nostalgia of rural Idaho, Swope then calls on the magnificence of nature to conceive images that transcend

their origins. When you see a bison calf emerge from a tree trunk, you might ask “how?” And while Swope won’t answer

the question, she will tell you that mystery is more moving than method.

SWOPE rhymes with HOPE! I hope you have enjoyed my artwork! Thanks for stopping by.

Linda Swope / Swope’s Mountain Photography




Venmo: @SMPntheTetons

Snow Removal
December 5, 2023